Celebration of Giving – A Christmas Tradition for the Kastenholz Family

Bob and Mary Ellen Kastenholz

Many people wonder how a program as large and complex as Catholic Charities’ Celebration of Giving (COG) has thrived for more than 75 years. Those who coordinate this joyful endeavor know the answer is simple: there are a multitude of kind-hearted individuals and families who participate as part of their own Christmas traditions. 

The Kastenholz family is an inspiring example. From their home in Western Springs, Mary Ellen and Bob and have been sponsoring a Catholic Charities family each Christmas since the late 1990’s, inviting their three children to join in the process. As Mary Ellen describes, “I remember us dropping off our gifts at 721 on a very cold Sunday afternoon with our two sons in their basketball uniforms, but the cold didn’t seem to bother them!”

She continues, “We decided early on to make Celebration of Giving a family project.  Most of the household and clothing gifts were purchased by Bob and me, and we left the fun, kid items for Kevin, Brian and Kathleen to pick out. We made the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving our annual toy shopping night. It was a very special way to start the Thanksgiving weekend. Then, on Christmas morning we always prayed for the family we sponsored, wishing them a blessed and Merry Christmas and hope for a very good year ahead.”

When the Kastenholz kids went off to college and brought friends home for Thanksgiving, the visitors were invited to join in the family shopping expedition. As the young adults started their professional careers, and as their significant others met, then married into the family, this selfless tradition continued. Over the years, Mary Ellen and Bob have given of themselves to Catholic Charities at Christmas beyond shopping, too, helping sort gifts in the COG warehouse and attending the Spirit of St. Nicholas Ball. 

Now that three young grandchildren have arrived, the Kastenholz giving custom carries on, with more individual shopping trips occurring. Mary Ellen and Bob collect all of the gifts from their children’s homes, add their gifts to the collection and drop them all off at 721 North LaSalle Street. Mary Ellen smiles as she says, “We’ll wait and see if and when the time is right to think about the next group shopping process!”

Those who sponsor families through COG receive a Family Profile so they can learn about the recipients of their gifts. The Kastenholz’s have been deeply moved by these reports. Mary Ellen explains, “One of the ways we always have felt closer to the families was to read about the challenges each family was facing. There’s no doubt that has been very impactful and humbling when we think of what we have often taken for granted.”

Besides their extraordinary dedication to COG over 20+ years, Mary Ellen and Bob have helped further the mission of Catholic Charities in many other, substantive ways. Mary Ellen says. “Working with so many dedicated staff members, board members, junior board members and volunteers over the years has brought the real meaning of Christmas alive and the joy continues to be contagious. I’m also grateful for the family time shared, and the invaluable life lessons learned as we participate in this great program.” 

 Reflecting on the work of Catholic Charities in Chicago today, Mary Ellen says, “I can’t think of another place that impacts everyone so greatly, whether as a client, staff member, donor, or volunteer, and the Celebration of Giving personifies that each Christmas. The Celebration of Giving is what Catholic Charities does every day.”

To learn more about the Celebration of Giving:
Cook County: Call (312) 655-7401 or Email: [email protected]
Lake County: Call (847) 782-4210 or Email: [email protected]

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