What We Do

Our Funding Model and Financials

Catholic Charities is GuideStar platinum-rated for transparency in reporting. To make our funding accessible to our donors and other funders, we manage and report using a simple model.

A + B = C + D

A = Net operating margin for delivering services to the people we serve

Total Grant Funding received from federal, state, and city government agencies to support the provision of key services

Total User Fees for services rendered — only for a small set of our services, such as therapeutic counseling, typically at subsidized cost


Direct Service expenses including all direct labor and other expenses for delivered services, independent of funding source

Mission Engagement expenses (the second leg of our mission) for engaging volunteers and parishes in service to those in need

B = Administrative expenses shared across all activities

(e.g., administrative, outreach, and finance staff, office space, etc.)

A + B = Net loss (“non-profit”) from operations, after government support.

This is what we fundraise to cover.

This amount includes services not funded by any government agencies, including:

  • $20 million in services under Immediate Access/Basic Needs
  • $12 million in services for Children, Youth and Families
  • $2 million for services Seniors

C = Current period fundraising

Total donations received in current year less 1) associated direct expenses (e.g., fundraising salaries, mailings, etc.) and 2) any gifts intended by donors to be used in future years.

D = Capital and other allocations

Prior period fundraising designated to be spent in the current year, plus any endowment or working capital pay-outs required to cover deficits.

For more information, view our recent annual reports and tax forms below.

Annual Report

IRS Form 990

IRS Form 990-T

For additional inquiries, contact [email protected]